Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Seven Years

When I realized that the next art show reception that will showcase two of my paintings, and in which my daughter Anna will also have work is on June 29th, the date jogged a memory for me, because that is the date of my mammogram and biopsy in 2017 that forever altered my universe by confirming a rather aggressive breast cancer diagnosis. Spoiler alert -- I'm still alive, and dare I say, thriving, balancing a life of gratitude with regard to the reality that disaster can strike anyone at anytime. I'M SO GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE!!! So, it feels like a milestone to not only make it to the seven year mark as an alive human being, but it seems fitting that I will "celebrate" the memory of that tragic day by showcasing LIFE through the beauty of art in a gallery at the Art League of Baytown in Baytown, Texas. Girl With Apple is on view there. 

The Art League of Baytown is hosting a closing reception for the Shadow and Light Pop Show on June 29th, from 4-6pm. Daughter Anna, the Amazing Reese, and I will all be there. Come see us if you live in the Baytown  area! (Rosa's View is also on display in Baytown.)

Girl With Apple was previously in the Visual Art Alliance 37th Juried Memborship Exhibition which was an online exhibit that happened during the pandemic in November of 2020. 

Applying to shows is never a guarantee that work will be accepted into an exhibition. That is why I'm pleased to also announce that another one of my paintings,  At the Bus Stop has been accepted into the Visual Art Alliance 40th Membership Exhibition! Of the 453 artworks that were submitted for review, juror Tanja Peterson only selected 47 works for the exhibition, one of which was mine! The show will be at Redbud Arts Center in the Heights from July 7th - July 27th, with the opening reception on July 17th from 6-8pm.  

Come see me!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

In Grandpa's Arms

Grandpa and Theodore, oil on linen, 18" x 24"

When Reese loves on people, I fall in love with him all over again -- even more so when he's holding one of our grandchildren. 

This was painted from a reference photo.  (Theodore is four now! Time flies.)