Wednesday, September 18, 2024

You Get the Picture

32" x 40", oil on linen, Trees at Rice U, painted in 2012

The art scene is almost exclusively designed to promote new works of art, which leaves a conundrum for the artists creating the work -- where to store the old stuff? I've been painting now for almost 20 years, and, although many collectors have my work in their homes, I'm still left with an abundance of inventory in all corners of our house -- under beds, in closets,  behind the get the picture.

Most readers of this blog and followers of my art career know that I've had some health set backs over the last several years. A lot of the oompf has gone out of my self promotion, and therefore, I haven't been as diligent of a marketer as I was in the past. 

It's not an original idea....what I'm about to propose. What if you could borrow a painting, with the option, if you so choose, with terms, to own it outright in a few years? Would you do that? 

Have a look at the HERE section of my Sarah Hazel website and let me know.