Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Anchors Away

More often than not, we have dinner together as a family every night at 6:30. Reese and I started as a young family, and as we added daughters, the habit carried forward. This supper schedule kept us as sane as one can be in the middle of all the changes that happen as a family grows. It has been our anchor of courtesy and community as the Reese Hazel family.

The main thing we do for every meal, besides pray and hold hands before we begin, is everyone tells their favorite thing of the day. This way, everyone gets an opportunity to talk and be heard, and the conversation is kept positive.

As our daughters are growing up, and keep schedules of their own, a very small dilemma is taking place. Sometimes only one somebody is home. But to me it's important to keep on keeping on. So two or three of us sit together and share a story and a meal.

Yet, here I am tonight, it's 6:25, and I've fixed so much turkey tetrazini that it had to go in two different casserole dishes. And I'm the only one at home. It's not quite the same to tell my favorite thing of the day to the empty chairs around the table. Oh wait, I hear voices...someone unlocking the front door! They're home for dinner!


the dowiaks said...

that's sweet. the dowiak's need an anchor like that. thanks for sharing!

em said...

Anytime you have extra turkey tetrazini or anything else with a smaller-than-usual showing, you know who to invite. ;-) Hope you're all well!


Sarah Hazel said...

Now that you know we eat around 6:30 every night, feel free to drop in...Wycoff showed up last night and helped us finish the last of the tetrazini.