Tuesday, July 23, 2024

For the Love of It

"What motivates you to paint?" Someone asked me that question last week at the opening reception of Visual Arts Alliance 40th Juried Membership Exhibition at Redbud Arts Center. One of the things I've been working on is how to talk about my art in the moment, but this seemed like a much bigger question. It was loud at the opening reception, as it often is at such events, and questions about motivation seem better suited to a conversation one might have at say, a quiet cafe over a cup of coffee. I did my best to answer, rather unsatisfactorily, and have continued to mull over the question for the last several days. 

There's a phrase in an old John Denver song, "...coming home to a place I'd never been before." On the best of days, when standing at my easel completely absorbed in the process of transfering ideas from globs of mixed paint on my palette to a no longer blank canvas, my heart, soul, and fingers feel both energized and at peace, if that makes any sense. It is akin to coming home. And the place I've never been before? That was me, 20 years ago, the first time I held a paintbrush in front of a canvas on an easel and started transferring visions and ideas to a two dimensional surface. 

Which seems like a lot of words to say that I LOVE painting and especially love painting portraits. The above painting is my second portrait painting in this small size. (I just now realized that I neglected to blog about the other painting. Oops. I did post about it on Instagram, but not the same thing as blogging about it.) In case anyone is interested in commissioning a portrait, please contact me. Become one of my many happy patrons and let me immortalize your loved one on canvas. 

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