Thursday, August 01, 2024

The Look

The more that I worked on this painting, the more I fell in love with it....and her. I don't always get to meet the people who I paint -- this is one of those instances -- but I think that I would REALLY like her. Doesn't she look like, even at age ten, that she has already read Les Miserables in the original French? 

Ready to get in the queue for a commissioned portrait by yours truly? NOW would be a good time to start the commission process, especially with the holiday season fast approaching. Let's both get a jump start on it for your portrait to be ready and dry in plenty of time for the gift giving season. 

This newest work is 10"" x 10", oil on canvas.  #portraitcommission #portrait #sarahhazelart #oiloncanvas #houstonartist #layaway #layawayplan

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