It's quiet at home, too. Hilary went to Galveston all day yesterday, and neglected to apply sunscreen everywhere. Being fair-skinned, she ended up with a rather awful sunburn. She is having a personal experience of restrained suffering. And Joy likely has bronchitis, and though slightly active, is leisurely sluggish.
The cool, still, grey weather outside matches the subdued atmosphere in our home. Maybe I can get some painting done this afternoon.
Having the same skin-tone as Hilary, I feel her pain and wish her and Joy a speedy recovery. And while I'm e-visitin', I hope the all the Hazel's have a splendid weekend!
Hey friend! I just changed the MCoker link to Duderonomy.
j00 r0ck d00d! :-)
Hey! You two would likely enjoy each other's company. You should meet. Mary, may I introduce you to my friend, Michael? Michael, this is my sweet friend, Mary. Socrates, this is Tyler. Tyler, Socrates.
haha that's awesome! I've had a blog crush on Mary for quite some time. I love her photoblogolisms :-)
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