Thursday, August 25, 2011

Twice the Heart

Someone at the American Heart Association must be really good at their job....because the Circle of Red has several new donors that came about directly as a result of the awareness raised from the art heart tour. These new donors were especially excited about the art hearts.

So, I'm pleased to announce (and immensely honored) that I've have been asked to create another art heart for a brand new patron of the Go Red for Women movement.

The six foot tall heart shape was delivered this morning, and I've already put an undercoat of pink on it. The image on this one will be entirely and completely different from the last one. The idea for what to paint on it is coming together....I'm nervously excited to get started!


Alison said...

Wow, congratulations! I've enjoyed seeing the art hearts around town and have secretly felt a bit smug that I knew what they were about.

Sarah Hazel said...

Thanks, Alison!