Tuesday, January 09, 2018

To Lose by Winning

Four weeks post surgery, my "social life" consists of doctor visits and not much else. Doctor's orders have severely limited my activity level which is a trial in and of itself for someone who likes to DO stuff. The doctor said not to lift anything heavier than a fork, after which I asked if I could have food on the end of the fork! (The answer was yes.) The instructions are really not to lift anything heavier than five pounds. A half gallon of milk is four pounds, so really, I'm not doing much at all....except browsing the internet....which has gotten me into a little bit of trouble. I can't believe what I'm about to admit and I can't believe that I fell for it.

It's no secret that I enjoy all things vintage. Our home is very modestly filled with furniture found in estate sales, consignment shops, and garage sales. More than once I've "rescued" items from curbside (trash) and refurbished them and or repurposed them. The new term for this is upcycling. So, with that mindset in mind coupled with my limited mobility, the majority of my distractions in hunting and gathering has been on the internet -- the great world wide web.

One can search for very specific items on the world wide web....for instance, vintage and estate jewelry. It can be very tempting to look, for instance on Instagram.....no harm there, remember, I'm restricted from manual labor, but Instagram led to Etsy. Oooh, look at all the pretty vintage jewelry on Etsy! So lovely, but, and this is how the thought process went, I bet I can find it cheaper on eBay. I wasn't even SHOPPING for anything, just looking, but I'm very competitive, and when I saw a too-good-to-be-true auction item for .01 (plus $37.50 shipping),  I bid on it. And won. And got excited and bid on something else....plus $37.50 shipping. And won. And now, I've got two cheap pieces of probably plastic cracker box jewelry due to arrive anyday and I have regrets. Big regrets. Spending $37.50 x 2 is not fair to the lovely friends who have come along side us to support us in grand and small ways during this cancer journey/battle. It's not fair to Reese who works hard every single day taking care of me in grand and small ways.

Reese is, of course, kind, gentle, and forgiving about the eBay purchases, which I hope to return. He understandably doesn't want me bidding on anything else, but his grace towards me after I do something so foolish is one more example of why he IS the Amazing Reese.

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