On the table (literally) are eight paintings from 2005-ish that will be given away. For my gentle readers, this offer is on a first come first served basis.
Up for grabs are from left to right, starting on the top row: Sister Friends (24" x 30"), Little Cowgirl (16" x 20"), Tea Party (20" x 24").
Middle: Apples and Pears (11" x 14").
Bottom row, left to right: Aspens (16" x 20"), Garlic and Tomatoes (11" x 14"), Paperwhites (11" x 14"), and Sisters Fishing (22" x 28").
Donations accepted (but not required.) Only one painting per collector. All work unframed. Unless an adequate tip is included in addition to shipping costs, no shipping. I, Sarah Hazel, retain the rights to all images.
*Thanks for the overwhelming response. All paintings are now gone.
I'll take the aspens, please.
It's yours, James.
i'd like the sisters fishing if possible
Aw, Erin. Someone already asked for that one.
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