Friday, June 15, 2012

Ninja Painter

Home is wherever I'm with you. And since you're in my heart, I'm always home....except I like it when we're side by side for real.

Not such an exciting job, but at least the bedroom was painted today -- green to blue. It was a task that was long overdue. Yay. Happy exhaustion.

The color was made by combining the remnants of several cans of paint in the garage, which means that it's unmatchable, as was the green before it, which was made the same way. So do it right the first time. (I did.) This actual color could of course be matched, but the sheen is anybody's guess. It was made by combining some flat, some satin, and some gloss.....only a paint ninja could match it.


Margaret Simon said...

And only an artist could make it.

Sarah Hazel said...

Thanks Margaret!

Anonymous said...

That color is gorgeous! Well done paint ninja! Advance to Samurai status!

Caroline said...

Your home is very welcoming! So cozy! Love it!

Sarah Hazel said...

Oooo, samurai status -- I'll take it.

Thanks so much Caroline! We enjoy it.

SUZY8-TRACK said...

Beautiful color! Looks great!