Life isn't always fun and games. The very monotonousness of the everyday had both Reese and me contemplating how to jump start passion for living. What were some of the things from life past that brought satisfaction and/or an amount of pleasure? For me, learning how to paint has been a deeply satisfying journey. Blogging about the process has been a double treat. I love writing probably as much as or more than painting. Reese, while being super supportive of my ventures (which includes enthusiastic praise and custom picture frames) had sort of fizzled out on the fun life scale.
Intense self evaluation must be the genesis of many a typical mid life crisis'. While reluctant to use the phrase mid life crisis, the term and meaning is real. Without intervention, the possibility (or probability) with regards to Reese for deep unhappiness was imminent. Remembering another lifetime, as a teenager, Reese thoroughly enjoyed helping his mom keep a hive of bees in their side yard.
That was a while ago. Then we had babies, and cars, and a house, and work, and work, and work....well, it's a typical scenario. Not to diminish the wonderfulness of sharing/raising a family, but some days it just feels like life is a giant sucking sound.