Monday, March 22, 2010


Sweet darling daughter Anna asked today how the preparations are progressing for the house art show on April 8th. My answer to her started with, "On Friday, I noticed that one of the neighbors had a big pile of sandy dirt in their front yard with a sign stuck in it that said 'FREE DIRT'...."

In typical fashion, because of the FREE DIRT, I've started a particularly big, yet completely unnecessary project, considering all of the other things that need to get done in preparation for the house art show. Because of the FREE DIRT, I thought it would be a great time to re-design the front footpath -- the path that leads guests to our front door, which, of course, has created extra work, which, in effect, had already been done, but now...I'm doing again.

The DIRT may have been FREE, but it's costing me.

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