Monday, August 23, 2010

At the Log Cabin

For a semi relaxing weekend get-away, Reese and I drove up to east Texas to his mom's side of the family's lake house. It's not so much of a lake house as it is a lake cabin. The most accurate description of the cabin is that it's VERY rustic...rustic and charming.

Honestly, we don't go up there enough. Life, especially weekends, get so full, and before we know it, it's been a whole year or more between visits.

In spite or perhaps because of the rusticness, I love cooking in this kitchen. For this meal, we had black bean chicken simmered in rum and salsa, mexican calabasita squash cooked in butter and onions, sweet potato slices coated with olive oil, salt, and pepper, thin tortilla chips, served with Saint Arnold Elissa IPA and Monte Oton Garnacha red wine, AND home made (from scratch -- the best kind) brownies for dessert.....

....which we ate on the screened porch while enjoying this view of the lake.

Yes, it was hot, especially when the wind stopped. No, I did not take my paints or canvases. Yes, we took the ukulele and guitar but sadly, no, we did not play them. Yes, we sailed on the lake. Well, Reese sailed. I was tethered to the sailboat and floated along behind the Amazing Reese on a chair raft type thing -- super fun. No, we did not take Skipper the dog, poor thing. Yes-can-you-believe-it, we slept for 11 hours one night! Yes, as often happens after a "vacation," I'm still tired. Yes-thank-you, Reese and I both enjoyed it.

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